
Wednesday, August 23, 2017

NYC Here We Come!

My daughter has consoled me many times in sad movies and plays because like she says, "You cry like a baby mama". There was that time when we saw the Phantom of the Opera together. She was eight years old and I managed to get us balcony seats on Broadway. How amazing was that trip to our favorite city in the world, we walked through Central Park, jumped on the hotel bed while singing, I felt as young as she was. 

We went to see other musicals but Phantom was our favorite by far. She had only seen it on DVD and I had seen it twice while on tour. I remember during the most moving part of the whole musical, when the Phantom stays alone and his fate is sealed she kept on looking at me to check if I was already crying. When I started crying I peeked at her, she looked up at me with tears in her eyes and we just embraced. We hugged and cried until it was over and then looked at each other and laughed. She cleaned the tears off my cheeks and gave me a kiss.

"You cry so easily in movies and plays mama". She makes fun of me now that she is almost fourteen and we are looking forward to our next New York adventure. And you know what? I don't mind, as long as I always have her to wipe the tears off my face. 

The Velvet Suit

    I was working at a big department store as Visual Merchandiser. The team was large and we took care of all the wonderful displays you often see at such stores. 

Every three months we got a review visit from headquarters. The managers showed up in their best outfits to impress the execs. We, the visual team did as well. I wanted the day over fast, It was uncomfortable to be so dressed up since our work was physically demanding at times. How much I missed my sneakers that day. Instead I had my black fancy flats and black slacks with a nice blouse. "I hope I don't over do it," I thought when getting ready in the morning. I was rest assured when I arrived to work and saw my colleagues dressed in a similar fashion. Except for one of them wearing a blue velvet suit. He had been working five years in that position and was ready to impress the execs for a much awaited promotion. Although we didn't get to walk the floors or break to lunch with the executives, we all hoped for a much deserved team introduction.

The whole day flew by and to our disappointment they didn't get to introduce us. After they left our senior manager went to tell us how impressed they were with our work and how they looked forward for the next visit. 

And there he was, with his blue velvet suit on. He didn't even take the jacket off for lunch. I felt bad, it sucks to try so hard and not even get noticed. Well, truth is he was noticed, by everyone who stared at a man wearing a blue velvet suit in a mall in the middle of summer. 

Weeks later he did get the promotion he wanted. Maybe he did not get any attention that day but his attitude spoke about him louder than words. For five years he had worn his positive attitude like a symbol of commitment and hard work. The day he got promoted I remembered the day I felt awful for him and I learned to never feel bad for anyone that is giving the extra mile. Even if no one is looking positive energy screams so loud it never remains unnoticed.