
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Slap Jack

    My daughter asked me to play Slap Jack with her. We had a session of several card games, where I have to admit speed and luck favored her turning me into what resembled a preteen sore loser. "You cheated" I screamed. "No I didn't, you are just slow!" She replied. Having moments like this with her were priceless, she was growing up and the days where we would spend time playing with dolls in her playroom were long gone. Her Barbie house was now turned into a bookshelf, a daily reminder of shifted interests that everyone growing up journeys.
Amber asked me while beating me at yet another game. "Tell me your deepest secret mom." To what I replied "I don't have any." She added "Well then tell me your biggest problem right now." I said "I really need to concentrate on beating you, not now." "Well then I'll keep on talking about Marcus." She said. Marcus was a boy she passionately disliked at school and I had heard how much she despised him during the whole entire dinner. "Ok, ok." I said "Fair enough, we can talk about Marcus again later." I really was at a point in my life were things were good, I was content but there was one thing that was bothering me lately so I thought I would share it with her. I said to her, "Well I have been first optioned for two national, big brands commercials recently and somehow I didn't end up booking them. I don't know why? Maybe I messed up this last call back? I wished I knew why they did not go with me. And the money was great also..." As she beat me again, while shuffling the cards once more she said. "Wow mom, you have no problems." I looked at her, took a small pause and laughed out loud. While she set the cards up for another game she added "Let's go back to Marcus."

That night while I prayed, I thanked God for all I had. Looking at what we don't have is a mistake we often make but not me, at least not that night. That spring evening laying down on my bed a smile came from deep inside of me while I counted all my blessings.

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