
Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Lovable Loser

At one point in our lives society expects us to give up on our dreams. When you are a child people ask you what you want to do when you grow up. Most of the time they will smile and even encourage your answers. Parents will even brag of your cleverness while at the neighborhood's barbecue. "He wants to be an astronaut." "Mine says the president!" "How about yours?" "Oh, mine? A famous singer." Pride in our eyes, we want to believe anything is possible for them.

But if we skip like children and land on our forties, well is not so cute anymore. In our twenties we still get encouragement for our dreams. Our thirties are crucial for all the hard work put on our twenties start to pay off and if your twenties were devoted to catching a dream, well that means another decade of the same scenario. That was pretty much Micaela's predicament. Another decade of chasing the dream. With a child and a divorce in some baggage held in her unconscious mind she was still after that phantom goal. Some of her friends were lawyers, architects, business execs and she; well at least she had a good job. But she noticed how talking about her passion was not an interesting subject anymore, people changed the topic of conversation, they politely smiled and she started to be seen as the dreamer or even worse the lovable loser.

When did society frown upon her? Was it in her twenties or her thirties? Or is it now in her early forties that some can't understand the fact that she still chasing it. Society wants to slap her in the face and say, "It's over Mila, you did not make it. Give it up and be like us. Put on your daily mask and go out there. Hide your God given gifts so deep inside no one will see them. Don't worry; we are here to help you bury them." I wonder how society will take her in her fifties and on because Mila is really not giving up. She owes it to her herself and her daughter, she owes it to society for one day some might follow the lead of a lovable loser.


Related stories: The Witch, the baby, a Queen and her Militia of Termites, Dreams do Come True

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